Home 5 Awards


Acknowledging and celebrating excellence

2022 Achievements

Top in Tech Innovation Awards 2022

Top Finalist in Most Innovative Category

EY Entrepreneur of the Year Award

Top 3 nominees in Technology Category

STAR Outstanding Business Awards 2021

Meritorious Achievement in Best Use of Technology Category

2021 Achievements

Top in Tech Innovation Awards 2022

Top Finalist in Most Innovative Category

EY Entrepreneur of the Year Award

Top 3 nominees in Technology Category


Winner of Khazanah Impact Innovation Challenge (KIIC) 2021

Robotics Wheelchair Arm System

Malaysia Industry Personalities & Entrepreneurs Award 2021

2020 Achievements

SME100 Fast Moving Company Award 2020

SME100 Sustainable Brand Award 2020

STAR Outstanding Business Award (SOBA) 2020

Meritorious Achievement in Best Innovation Category