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Our solutions provide you with safer, warmer, and smarter intelligent solutions. Suitable for various sectors such as retail outlets, hotels, restaurants, malls, events, etc.



Our robot & automation solutions for service & hospitality provide you with safer, warmer, and smarter intelligent solutions. Suitable for various service & hospitality sectors such as retail outlets, hotels, restaurants, malls, events, etc. 
Restaurant Automation

The restaurant automation solution helps to lift some of the burdens from workers’ shoulders and improve efficiency throughout the food and beverage supply chain. We offer complete solutions for restaurant automation; starting from delivery of food, automated menu ordering with a POS system, automated table clearing robot, and integration with the cloud kitchen apps. 

Our business model helps restaurant operators with a healthy cash flow. We offer low-interest financial loans through our panel banks,  at a loan tenure of up to 10 years. Our solutions solve manpower problems in the F&B industry and help them recover their business after the pandemic.

Smart Retail & Outlets

Discover trends in using service robots as your retail staff, marketing, and inventory management. You can add up our 3D hologram too for more impactful in-store marketing.

Enhance your customer experience, digitalize your business operation and give impact to your outlets.

Smart Mall Solutions

Establishing an AI and robotics that features navigation of the mall with interactive routes with sales, happy hours, promotions and even emergency situations.

Bringing the benefits to physical stores for shoppers and retailers. These technologies provide store associates with real-time access to enterprise information and hands-free communication.

Smart Office, Smart Home & Futuristic Showroom

Let’s create a new experience in your spaces. We provide robotic solutions together with IoT and AI technology that make your office, home, or showroom modern and futuristic.

Our solutions provide new experiences through multi-device collaboration and ecosystem integration.

Hotel Service Solutions

Our hotel service solutions provide a competitive edge over the competition in the hotel industry, enabling digital management and services of hotels. Robots can free up the time of human staff and help personalize a guest’s stay.

We offer high-end service robotics products with intelligent communication functions to assist with the customer service process, and overall improve efficiency and guests’ experience in a hotel.

Lightweight Delivery in Factory & Warehouse

The industrial and warehouse sector will have the opportunity to accomplish effective material management thanks to our lightweight autonomous delivery robots.

We provide lightweight delivery solutions catering payloads below 80Kg. The robot is slim, fast, and efficient, suitable for small parts and components, tools, or small parcels delivery within the factory or warehouses.



Our robot & automation solutions for service & hospitality provide you with safer, warmer, and smarter intelligent solutions. Suitable for various service & hospitality sectors such as retail outlets, hotels, restaurants, malls, events, etc. 

Restaurant Automation

The restaurant automation solution helps to lift some of the burdens from workers’ shoulders and improve efficiency throughout the food and beverage supply chain. We offer complete solutions for restaurant automation; starting from delivery of food, automated menu ordering with a POS system, automated table clearing robot, and integration with the cloud kitchen apps. 

Our business model helps restaurant operators with a healthy cash flow. We offer low-interest financial loans through our panel banks,  at a loan tenure of up to 10 years. Our solutions solve manpower problems in the F&B industry and help them recover their business after the pandemic.

Smart Retail & Outlets

Discover trends in using service robots as your retail staff, marketing, and inventory management. You can add up our 3D hologram too for more impactful in-store marketing.

Enhance your customer experience, digitalize your business operation and give impact to your outlets.

Smart Mall Solutions

Establishing an AI and robotics that features navigation of the mall with interactive routes with sales, happy hours, promotions and even emergency situations.

Bringing the benefits to physical stores for shoppers and retailers. These technologies provide store associates with real-time access to enterprise information and hands-free communication.

Smart Office, Smart Home & Futuristic Showroom

Let’s create a new experience in your spaces. We provide robotic solutions together with IoT and AI technology that make your office, home, or showroom modern and futuristic.

Our solutions provide new experiences through multi-device collaboration and ecosystem integration.

Hotel Service Solutions

Our hotel service solutions provide a competitive edge over the competition in the hotel industry, enabling digital management and services of hotels. Robots can free up the time of human staff and help personalize a guest’s stay.

We offer high-end service robotics products with intelligent communication functions to assist with the customer service process, and overall improve efficiency and guests’ experience in a hotel.

Lightweight Delivery in Factory & Warehouse

The industrial and warehouse sector will have the opportunity to accomplish effective material management thanks to our lightweight autonomous delivery robots.

We provide lightweight delivery solutions catering payloads below 80Kg. The robot is slim, fast, and efficient, suitable for small parts and components, tools, or small parcels delivery within the factory or warehouses.

People Love Robopreneur Experience

This company serves as a Malaysian pioneer in the robotic field. Filled with experts who know in detail about robots’ hardware and software parts. They manage to solve complex problems to enhance the robot’s capabilities. I came to customize my robot for an additional function, and they did it well quickly. Highly recommended for any organization that needs to work with robots or has complex problems that need software solutions. Quite surprising to find such a company in Malaysia.

– Mixers Technology



Service robots are used in and out of hospital settings to improve the overall level of patient care. They ease the workload of medical staff, allowing them to spend more time caring directly for patients while creating major operational efficiencies and cost reductions for healthcare facilities. 

Smart Hospital Solutions

We connect patients with doctors, assist nurses, and automate hospital daily tasks through AI, robotics, intelligent automation, next-generation telecommunications, and edge computing. Our delivery robots help deliver meals, send medical samples to the lab, and deliver medications from the pharmacy. Our solutions reduce medical staff workload and improve the overall operation of hospitals.

By utilizing our ROBOMEDIK solutions, hospitals can play a distinct role in the larger ecosystem, which enhances patient outcomes and operational efficiency within their environment.

Robot for Ageing Society

Our assistive robots are equipped with the latest technology to become smart companions and mobility platforms for elderly persons, at home, in rehabilitation centers, or at the elderly home.

The robot can remind people to take their medicines or arrange cabs. It can also recall the owner’s appointments and prompt suggestions relevant to the current schedule. Older users can play games, access social media, and conduct on-screen video chats to stay connected to the outside world.

Assistive Healthcare Home Solutions

Our solution eNurse lets the TEMI robot become a moving health kiosk at home. The solutions automate vital sign measurement while the patient can talk to the doctor via telepresence function.

Eventually, you do not need to go to the hospital for regular medical check-ups. eNurse can verify patients by scanning QR codes, RFID, or facial recognition. With the eNurse admin web page, doctors can monitor patients’ vital sign history and export CVS reports for analysis.

Robot for Autism Rehabilitation

Robots can provoke interactive and social responses that are not naturally occurring in children with autism.

The application of the Human-Robot Interaction (HRI) concept as the base algorithm in NAO robot has great potential to teach children with autism how to detect and understand emotions and social behaviors.



We provide industry-driven training programs for the academic and professional levels, including a customizable platform for researchers to explore their high-level interests including programming and prototyping services. 

Library Automation

This solution is for schools, colleges, and university libraries. Library management is typically a labor-intensive task with limited automation. The tasks performed by a librarian include book registration/returns, handling inquiries, and rearranging books that have been read by visitors and placed in the provided bins.

AI and automation technologies, such as ID identification and book registration with the help of robots combine to make the library processes more efficient while increasing the productivity of human workers, and reducing operating costs.

Technical Training & Talent Development Programs

Industry Revolution 4.0 is opening up a host of new opportunities to companies, from a better understanding of audiences and customers, to better provision and customization of services.

Robopreneur offers training courses catering to the needs of professional levels working in various tech. industries, government agencies, and private corporations.

Academic Contract R&D

Robopreneur offers contract R&D and research collaboration services with universities and private institutions, including prototyping services.

Our strong foundation in commercial R&D enables us to offer customization of research platforms and provide prototyping services for products and join commercialization with researchers and product developers.

Smart Campus Solutions

Campuses are crucial to people’s employment and quality of life. Robopreneur Smart Campus Solutions addresses issues with traditional campuses like low management efficiency, poor service experience, significant energy waste, weak comprehensive security, and high operational costs by leveraging emerging ICT technologies like cloud computing, the Internet of Things, big data, and artificial intelligence.

It carries out the digital transformation of business campuses, supports the growth of new sectors, and improves customer service.

STEM Education Solutions

Our solution eNurse lets the TEMI robot become a moving health kiosk at home. The solutions automate vital sign measurement while the patient can talk to the doctor via telepresence function.

Eventually, you do not need to go to the hospital for regular medical check-ups. eNurse can verify patients by scanning QR codes, RFID, or facial recognition. With the eNurse admin web page, doctors can monitor patients’ vital sign history and export CVS reports for analysis.

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