
Deliver groundbreaking engagement solutions for your business or workplace utilizing temi’s autonomous navigation, AI and Display.


Category:  Security and surveillance, service and hospitality, medical and healthcare



temi stands out as the inaugural robot equipped with integrated Alexa functionality, offering a comprehensive hands-free interaction. From querying specific cloud-based information and directing temi to various destinations to capturing photos or videos, Alexa significantly enhances the capabilities of your robot.

Moreover, with support for third-party applications, temi can serve as the interface for your customers or employees, providing access to the wealth of information within your backend infrastructure. The potential applications are limitless.

Technical Features









3MP High Resolution Camera

30x25cm holds up to 3kg

4 Omni-directional digital mics, Real-time localization, Environment noise reduction

Up to 8 hours of operation per charge

Bluetooth – Wi-Fi

360 deg LIDAR, 2 depth cameras, RGB camera, 6 time of flight linear sensors

100H x 35W x 45D cm


temi Robot for Security and Surveillance

Step into the future of security and surveillance with temi, the cutting-edge AI robotic solution redefining safety standards for high-level premises and public spaces. Equipped with advanced features tailored to meet the demands of modern security challenges, temi stands as a beacon of innovation and reliability.

  • Face Recognition

  • Real-time Alert

  • Language translation

  • Guidelines and Directions

  • Body Temperature Screening

  • Virtual tours

  • Way finding

  • Patrol robo

temi revolutionizes the landscape of security and surveillance, setting new benchmarks in safety and efficiency. With its unmatched versatility and advanced features, Temi stands as the ultimate ally in safeguarding high-level premises and public spaces, ensuring peace of mind for all stakeholders. Welcome to the future of security with Temi.

temi Robot for Service and Hospitality

In the realm of hospitality, temi serves as a hotel concierge, facilitating expedited hotel check-ins for guests. Automation through hospitality robots can streamline mundane, time-consuming, or repetitive duties, thereby liberating human employees to engage in higher-level cognitive activities.

The real significance of hospitality robots extends beyond their cost-effective customer interaction capabilities compared to human personnel; it lies in their capacity to gather customer data during direct interactions.

  • Virtual concierge & Customer Service

  • Patrol robot

  • Language translation

  • Guidelines and Directions

  • Body Temperature Screening

  • Virtual tours

  • Way finding

  • Food delivery
  • Greeter

  • Virtual shopping assistant

  • Virtual concierge & Customer Service

temi also possesses the capability to greet patrons upon arrival at the restaurant, acting as both a host and server by seating guests and taking their orders through voice commands or its touchscreen interface. To support such services, the restaurant plans to create a custom android application. Utilizing temi in this capacity will not only enhance operational efficiency but also attract customers to the establishment.

Similarly, retail, wholesale, and department stores can leverage temi’s presence to enhance customer experience by having it navigate the store, greet visitors, and provide pertinent information. Serving as a sales representative, temi can inform customers about promotions, guide them to specific product details and locations, and assist with the checkout process. The store intends to develop a dedicated application to facilitate these functions.

With its diverse communication capabilities, temi can engage customers through verbal communication, video presentations on its display, music played through its speakers, and physical interaction, thereby offering a comprehensive product experience.

temi Robot for Medical and Healthcare

Smart temi eNurse robot with medical devices for self inspection, data transfer automatically via Bluetooth to the robot system, remotely access by the doctor.


  • Telehealth

  • Patrol robot

  • Language translation

  • Small item delivery

  • Virtual concierge & Customer Service

  • Guidelines and Directions

  • Body Temperature Screening

  • Food delivery

  • Fall detection

We connect patients with doctors, assist nurses, and automate hospital daily tasks through AI, robotics, intelligent automation, next-generation telecommunications, and edge computing. Our delivery robots help deliver meals, send medical samples to the lab, and deliver medications from the pharmacy. Our solutions reduce medical staff workload and improve the overall operation of hospitals.

temi Robot for Assistive Healthcare Home Solutions

Our solution eNurse let the TEMI robot become a moving health kiosk at home. The solutions automate vital sign measurement while the patient can talk to the doctor via telepresence function. Eventually, you no need to go to the hospital for regular medical check-ups.

  • Telehealth

  • Patrol robot

  • Language translation

  • Small item delivery

  • Virtual concierge & Customer Service

  • Guidelines and Directions

  • Body Temperature Screening

  • Food delivery

  • Fall detection

eNurse can verify patients by scanning QR Code, RFID or facial recognition. With the eNurse admin web page, doctors are able to monitor patients’ vital sign history and export CVS report for analysis.